
Participants will learn basic camera operations necessary for producing community access television programs. The workshops are open to anyone age 16 and up who lives in Bloomfield Township, Bloomfield Hills, Birmingham, Beverly Hills, Bingham Farms and Franklin. After completing a workshop, prospective volunteers will be qualified to be a member of a BCTV production crew

Click here for BCTV Workshops schedule

BCTV produces approximately 500 programs a year; half at its studio and half on locations throughout the community. Studio show topics include global affairs, opera, legal issues, health and well-being, political issues, religion, local current affairs, and art and literature. Production crews travel to area churches, libraries, parks and even restaurants to videotape programs hosted by community agencies and organizations.

The programs are aired in Bloomfield Township and Bloomfield Hills on Comcast channel 15 and in Birmingham, Beverly Hills, Bingham Farms and Franklin on Comcast channel 18. They are also broadcast on At&T U-verse channel 99 and WOW channels 10 and 18 respectively.

Attendance at a Volunteer Workshop is a prerequisite for those residents who are interested in producing a program on BCTV. The Program Development Committee will hold a meeting approximately two weeks after each Volunteer Workshop to consider and discuss all Program Proposals that have been submitted.

Position Closing Date
We have no positions at this time.